hiking in the Brembana Valley

not to be missed!

Find out the hikes in the Brembana Valley that are not to be missed!

The Brembana Valley expresses its greatest splendor in its mountains. In this section we collect our experiences and present them to you, hoping they will provide inspiration for your trips. We decided to divide them by length, although it should be kept in mind that longer walks are not always necessarily more strenuous. In fact, there are many variables to take into account, such as the elevation gain, the type of terrain on which you are walking, changes in slope, and the weather conditions at the time.

Here you will find the division into short hikes (less than 7 km total), medium length hikes (between 7 and 15 km total) and long hikes (over 15 km total). We decided to use this “classification” because it is the most objective, as distance is not subject to everyone’s perception, but is an actual fact. However, depending on one’s level of preparation and habits, we know that it still remains partially subjective.

For each hike you will find the video, description, GPX track and some information that may be useful.


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