Orobie tourism

experience of real

Tourism in the Brembana Valley

Brembana Valley: art, nature, history and culture

The Brembana Valley has so much to offer. With OTER’s activities and tips we want to help you discover it, get to know it and love it.


in Val Brembana

discover must-do hikes


in Val Brembana

discover the events

E-bike rental

The greenest way to discover the Brembana Valley

Discovering the

Brembana Valley

Be inspired by our experiences on the ground

Your vacation home along the ancient via Mercatorum

Our staff

Why the name OTER Orobie Tourism, Experience of Real?

The idea was born in 2015, when we decided to found an association (which would later evolve into a cooperative) to promote tourism in the Brembana Valley. We wanted a word that combined local and global, the so-called GLOCAL. Thus we thought of a word in Bergamasque but that within it could contain an English phrase. We cherish traditions and among them our local dialect, but we are also open to people who decide to come here from other parts of Italy and the world, “the others” in essence. 

Hence the word OTER, which in Bergamasque means precisely other/others. The acronym soon evolved into Orobie Tourism, Experience of Real. Orobie because it is true that today we are focused on the Brembana Valley, but the other Orobic valleys are also attractive and who knows, maybe someday we will trespass! Tourism because that is what the cooperative is about: tourism, an area that is much vaunted but is in great need of attention and development. Experience of Real because through our activities and in our communication channels we want to immerse our guests in the local culture and give them a real, true experience.


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